【 General Courses 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
Chinese | 4 | Y |
English | 4 | Y |
Physical Education | 2 | Y |
Technology Laws | 2 | Y |
Others | 20 | N |
【 1st Year Fall 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
Calculus(Ⅰ) | 3 | Y |
General Physics(Ⅰ) | 3 | Y |
Introduction to Computers | 3 | Y |
Introduction to Electrical Engineering | 3 | Y |
General Chemistry | 3 | Y |
【 1st Year Spring 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
Computer Programming and Practice | 3 | Y |
Digital Logic | 3 | Y |
Calculus(Ⅱ) | 3 | Y |
Linear Algebra | 3 | Y |
General Physics(Ⅱ) | 3 | Y |
General Physics Lab. | 1 | Y |
【 2nd Year Fall 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
Engineering Mathematics(Ⅰ) | 3 | Y |
Electronics (I) | 3 | Y |
Electrical Circuits(Ⅰ) | 3 | Y |
Digital Logic Lab. | 1 | Y |
Digital Systems Design | 3 | N |
Introduction to Materials Engineering | 3 | N |
Modern Physics | 3 | N |
【 2nd Year Spring 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
Electrical Circuits(Ⅱ) | 3 | Y |
Introduction to VLSI | 3 | Y |
Engineering Mathematics(Ⅱ) | 3 | Y |
Electronics (Ⅱ) | 3 | Y |
Electromagnetics (Ⅰ) | 3 | Y |
Electronic Circuits Lab. (Ⅰ) | 1 | Y |
Microprocessors Principles and Applications | 3 | N |
Integrated Circuit Layout | 3 | N |
【 3rd Year Fall 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
Signals and Systems | 3 | Y |
Electromagnetics (Ⅱ) | 3 | Y |
Electronics (Ⅲ) | 3 | Y |
Control Systems | 3 | Y |
Electronic Circuits Lab. (Ⅱ) | 1 | Y |
Power Electronics | 3 | N |
Complex Analysis | 3 | N |
VLSI Design | 3 | N |
Semiconductor Physics | 3 | N |
Introduction to Optical Communication | 3 | N |
【 3rd Year Spring 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
E.E. Special Project (Ⅰ) | 1 | Y |
Communication Principles | 3 | Y |
Hardware Description Language | 3 | N |
Optoelectronics Semiconductor | 3 | N |
Electrical Machinery | 3 | N |
Electromagnetic Waves | 3 | N |
Probability and Statistics | 3 | N |
Data Communications | 3 | N |
Communication Lab. | 1 | N |
Microcontroller Lab | 1 | N |
【 4th Year Fall 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
E.E. Special Project (Ⅱ) | 1 | N |
Linear Control | 3 | N |
Technology of Power Electronics | 3 | N |
Analog IC Design(Ⅰ) | 3 | N |
Operation and Control of Electrical Power System | 3 | N |
Solid State Lighting | 3 | N |
Fuzzy Theory and Applications | 3 | N |
Digital Signal Processing | 3 | N |
Microwave Engineering | 3 | N |
Display Principles and Applications | 3 | N |
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Design | 3 | N |
Optoelectronics Lab. | 1 | N |
【 4th Year Spring 】
Course Name | Units | Required |
System Chip Design | 3 | N |
Nonlinear System | 3 | N |
Intelligent Control and Design | 3 | N |
Optics Conversion and Driving | 3 | N |
Introduction to Power and Battery Management System | 3 | N |
Wireless Communications | 3 | N |
Microwave devices | 3 | N |
Digital Communications | 3 | N |
Information Theory and Coding | 3 | N |
Thin Film Engineering | 3 | N |
Electrochemistry of Nano Materials | 3 | N |
Nano Materials and Devices | 3 | N |
Defect Chemistry of Function Materials | 3 | N |