
2025 International Seminar of Advanced Lithium-ion Battery and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electrochemical Energy Storage (ALHFES 2025)

研討會資訊 Seminar Information

研討會報名 Seminar Registration 論文海報徵求 Call for Posters
攤位展示 Exhibition 廣告宣傳 Advertisement




We are publicly soliciting the publication of papers and posters relevant to the field of energy storage technology. We are looking forward to the displaying of the results on various research topics, creativity and technology exchanges in the industry and academia can be promoted. Any person from the industry unit, research institution, education faculty, and students are welcomed to sign up.

主要類別 Main categories:

  1. 儲能材料 Energy storage materials
  2. 儲能元件 Energy storage components
  3. 系統應用 System Application
  4. 電池檢測分析 Battery check and analysis
  5. 電池回收循環經濟 Circular Economy of Battery Recycling

The topics of interested including lithium batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen energy, liquid-flow batteries, sodium batteries, thermal energy storage, secondary batteries, super capacitors, metal-air batteries, battery components, application of energy-related storage technology, etc.







Accepting Period:From February 10 until 17:00 on March 31, 2025.
The publication will be granted once at least one person from the author group once finished the registration and payment of the seminar. Furthermore, there will be no additional fees for the publication of posters.
Please visit this webpage to proceed the registration and payments.

DISCLAIMER: The registration is mandatory for all poster authors who are going to participate in the seminar.







There are two ways of publication for the seminar: poster and oral presentation, can be presented either in Chinese or English. You can choose either or both ways of publication at the same time, but if you publish multiple papers or have two ways of publishing, each paper/publication must be registered individually before application deadline.

  1. 海報 Poster

    1. 請於2025年3月31日前本頁下方點選「論文登錄」按鈕並上傳您的摘要。摘要請按照格式製作:
      Please click the “Paper Registration” button at the bottom of this page and upload your abstract before March 31, 2025. Please submit the abstract according to the format:

      1. 檔名:海報摘要_xxx(張貼人姓名)_xxxxxxxx(題目名稱)
        File name: PAbstract_xxx(representative author’s name)_xxxxxxxx(Title)

      2. 檔案類型:.doc .docx .pdf均可
        File type: acceptable for “.doc”, “.docx”, or “.pdf” file

      3. 範例檔下載 Template download: 海報摘要範例檔

    2. 摘要採隨到隨審,並自收件日起1周內以電子郵件回覆審查及錄取結果;若1周後沒有收到通知,可來信或來電詢問。
      The results of the abstract review and admission will be replied by email within one week of working days since the day of acceptance. The inquiries by e-mail or phone call are welcome if the notification haven’t received after the period.

    3. 已登記之資料在3月31日都可連絡承辦人員進行修改,逾期僅能修改網頁資料,手冊不予修改。
      The registered information can be modified by contacting the organizer before March 31. After the deadline, only the website information can be edited, and the modification on the handbook is unfeasible.

    4. 海報張貼位置編號最晚將於4月11日前通知。
      The location and serial number of the bulletin board for posting will be notified before April 11.

    5. 海報需自行輸出並攜帶至會場;印製尺寸為A0 直式(841×1189mm),排版格式不限,可於海報內加入聯絡人資訊(電子郵件或電話號碼皆可),以利與會人員進一步諮詢;海報張貼固定之工具由主辦單位提供。
      The posters have to be self-printed by the author(s); printed format: A0 portrait orientation (841×1189mm), the typesetting format is not limited and tools for fixing posters are provided by the organizer. Contact information (either e-mail or phone no.) can be added to the poster for further consultation by our stuffs.

    6. 張貼時間:2025年4月16日 至 17日
      Poster display period: From April 16 to 17, 2025.

  2. 口頭報告 Oral presentation

    1. 請於2025年3月14日本頁下方點選「論文登錄」按鈕並上傳您的摘要(請注意!口頭報告發表之徵稿期限與海報不同)。摘要請按照格式製作:
      Please click the “Paper Registration” button at the bottom of this page and upload your abstract before March 14, 2025. (Note: The submission deadline for oral presentations is different from that for posters.) Please submit the abstract according to the format:

      1. 檔名:口頭報告摘要_xxx(報告人名)_xxxxxxxx(題目名稱)
        File name: PAbstract_xxx(reporter’s name)_xxxxxxxx(Title)

      2. 檔案類型:.doc .docx .pdf均可摘要
        File type: acceptable for “.doc”, “.docx”, or “.pdf” file

      3. 範例檔下載 Template download: 口頭報告論文摘要範例檔

    2. 摘要採隨到隨審,並自收件日起1周內以電子郵件回覆審查及錄取結果;若1周後沒有收到通知,可來信或來電詢問。
      Abstracts will be reviewed as soon as being received, and the review and admission results will be replied by e-mail within 1 week from the date of receipt; the inquiries by e-mail or phone call are welcome if haven’t received notification after the period.

    3. 已登記之資料在3月31日前都可連絡承辦人員進行修改,逾期僅能修改網頁資料,手冊不予修改。
      The registered information can be modified by contacting the organizer before March 31. Once overdue, only the website information can be further edited, and the content change of the handbook is infeasible.

    4. 口頭報告順序將隨議程一起更新。
      The order of oral presentations will be updated along with the agenda.

    5. 簡報檔案請自行攜帶至會場,現場有提供電腦設備,也可自行攜帶(若為MAC請自行攜帶轉接頭);會場將開放以下時段進行測試:
      Please bring the presentation files to the venue by oneself. Computer equipment is provided on site, using personal laptop/project device is also allowed (Apple iMAC/iOS user please provide the converter in self); the venue will be open for testing during the following periods:

      1. 上午報到後至會議開始前 After registration in the morning until the beginning of the seminar

      2. 上午中場休息時間 Morning Intermission/break

      3. 中午用餐時間 Lunch hour

      4. 下午中場休息時間 Afternoon Intermission/break

    6. 報告時間:15分鐘,含Q&A。
      Length of presentation: 15 minutes, including Q&A.
      When the time remained to 5 minutes, the bell will ring once as a reminder; when the time remained only 1 minute, the bell will ring twice; when time’s up, a longer ring once from the bell to indicate the end of the presentation.






  1. 所有發表作品之智慧財產權由該海報作者所有,發表人必須保證無抄襲仿冒之情事,主辦單位若發現有違反所列之規定者,則取消其發表資格。如造成第三者之權益損失,該作者應負完全法律責任。
    The intellectual property rights of all presented works belong to the respective poster authors. Presenters must guarantee that their work is free from plagiarism or infringement. If the organizers discover any violations of these regulations, the presenter’s eligibility to participate will be revoked. In the event of harm to the rights of a third party, the author shall bear full legal responsibility.

  2. 本次研討會若因不可抗力之特殊原因無法如期舉辦,主辦單位有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停,並將資訊公告於網站。如有未盡事宜,主辦單位有保留、修改、終止、變更活動內容細節之權利,且不另行通知。
    If the seminar cannot be held as scheduled due to special reasons of force majeure, the organizer reserves the right to decide whether to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend, and announce the information on the website. Any of the unmentioned matters, the organizer owns the rights to reserve, modify, terminate, and change the details of the event without notice.



Paper Registration


List of Publication
(notified before April 11,2025)


 Any further questions, please contact us.

