
2025 International Seminar of Advanced Lithium-ion Battery and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electrochemical Energy Storage in Conjunction with Project Report of NSTC (ALHFES 2025)

研討會資訊 Seminar Information

研討會報名 Seminar Registration 論文海報徵求 Call for Posters
攤位展示 Exhibition 廣告宣傳 Advertisement




Business/Commerce (General)

NT$7,500 /人  早鳥優惠 Early bird discount 
NT$8,000 /人

  • 費用包含手冊1本、研討會2日午餐、首日晚宴。
    The fee includes a handbook, 2 days of lunch during the seminar, and dinner of banquet on the 1st day.
  • 3月31日17:00前報名可享早鳥優惠。
    Register before 17:00 on March 31 to get early bird discount.


Institution Faculty

NT$6,500 /人  早鳥優惠 Early bird discount 
NT$7,000 /人


  • 費用包含手冊1本、研討會2日午餐、首日晚宴。
    The fee includes a handbook, 2 days of lunch during the seminar, and dinner of banquet on the 1st day.
  • 3月31日17:00前報名可享早鳥優惠。
    Register before 17:00 on March 31 to get early bird discount.



NT$3,000 /人

  • 費用包含手冊1本、研討會2日午餐。
    The fee includes a handbook, 2 days of lunch during the seminar.
  • 學生身分不含晚宴,欲參加者請於報名頁面中勾選,將額外收費。
    Banquet is not included for STUDENT in default, if he/she is interested in joining the banquet please check the box on the registration form, and the additional fee will be charged accordingly.


Regular member

NT$0 /人  2名內
NT$0/person for 2 vacancies ONLY
NT$6,000 /人  第3名起,收據可個別開立
NT$6,000/person since the 3rd person of registration, the receipt can be opened individually
NT$5,500 /人  5人以上(不含免費名額)團體報名,且費用合併開立一張收據
NT$5,500/person, group registration with 5 persons or above (the fee is already excluded the complementary persons), the receipt will be opened in single piece ONLY labeled in total payment

  • 需為「鋰離子電池產學聯盟」或「先進電池材料產業聯盟」基本會員。
    Only for regular members of LIB Industry-Academia Alliance or Advanced Battery Industrial Alliance.
  • 費用包含手冊1本、研討會2日午餐、首日晚宴。
    The fee includes a handbook, 2 days of lunch during the seminar, and dinner of banquet on the 1st day.

  • 若同時具備鋰離子電池產學聯盟及先進電池材料產業聯盟會員資格,則可享有3名免費名額之優惠。
    If the participant qualifies both of the membership the LIB Industry-Academia Alliance and the Advanced Battery Industrial Alliance, the quota for 3 people to participate in the seminar is offered.


Premium member

NT$0 /人  2名內
NT$0/person for 2 vacancies ONLY
NT$5,500 /人  第3名起,收據可個別開立
NT$6,000/person since the 3rd person of registration, the receipt can be opened individually
NT$5,000 /人  5人以上(不含免費名額)團體報名,且費用合併開立一張收據
NT$5,500/person, group registration with 5 persons or above (the fee is already excluded the complementary persons), the receipt will be opened in single piece ONLY labeled in total payment

  • 需為「鋰離子電池產學聯盟」或「先進電池材料產業聯盟」進階會員。
    Only for premium member of LIB Industry-Academia Alliance or Advanced Battery Industrial Alliance.
  • 費用包含手冊1本、研討會2日午餐、首日晚宴
    The fee includes a handbook, 2 days of lunch during the seminar, and dinner of banquet on the 1st day.

  • 若同時具備鋰離子電池產學聯盟及先進電池材料產業聯盟會員資格,則可享有3名免費名額之優惠。
    If the participant qualifies both of the membership the LIB Industry-Academia Alliance and the Advanced Battery Industrial Alliance, the quota for 3 people to participate in the seminar is offered.

If any extra handbook is required, the price for additional purchase is NT 300/each.

A separate email survey will be sent to exhibitors or company representatives who will be presenting on stage. For related information, please refer to the “
Exhibitor Identity Description” and “Guidelines for Presenting Company Products or Professional Sharing on Stage.”







線上報名 Online Registration (2/10~3/31)


  1. 請根據您的身分填寫對應的報名表。
    Please select your identity and filling out the registration form.

    General/Alliance Member (Individual registration)

    ※’Alliance Member’ refers to a valid member of the ‘LIB Industry-Academia Alliance’ or the ‘Advanced Battery Industrial Alliance’.

    ※若收費名額達5人以上(不含免費名額2人),且費用合併開立一張收據,可來信 libcenter100+alhfes@gmail.com 索取團體報名表。
    ※ If there are more than 5 paid participants (excluding 2 free participants) and the fees are consolidated into a single receipt, you may request a group registration form by email (libcenter100+alhfes@gmail.com).


    Institution Faculty



  2. 完成報名後,系統將於2個工作日內寄送繳費通知至您的信箱。請於收到繳費通知起的5個工作日內擇一以下方式進行繳費 :
    After completing the registration, the system will send a payment notification to your email within 2 business days. Please complete the payment using one of the following methods within 5 business days from the date you receive the payment notification:

    • 轉帳 Bank Transfer
      銀行代碼 Bank Code:017
      銀行名稱 Bank Name:兆豐國際商業銀行東台南分行
      戶名 Account Name:社團法人中華民國南部科學園區產學協會
      帳號 Account Number:065-09-01956-5
    • 刷卡 Credit Card下載刷卡單 Download the credit card authorization form
      ※Please download the form to your personal device and complete it.
      ※After completing the form, upload the file via the “Payment Confirmation Form”. Do not send it directly to the center’s email.
  3. 若無法於期限內完成繳費,請務必提前告知,否則無法保留報名資格。
    If you are unable to complete the payment within the specified period, please notify us in advance. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your registration.
  4. 完成轉帳或刷卡單後請至【繳費回報單】填寫您的資料以便對帳。
    After completing the bank transfer or credit card authorization, please fill out the 【​
    Payment Confirmation Form】 to facilitate reconciliation.

    Payment Confirmation Form


  5. 發票 Invoice
    • 採用電子發票形式,於對帳完成後的3個工作日內開立,發票將直接寄送至報名時填寫之電子郵件信箱。寄送發票的電子郵件為「關網資訊股份有限公司」(noreply@service.gwis.com.tw),建議您事先將此信箱加入白名單,以避免漏信。
      Electronic invoices will be issued within 3 business days after the reconciliation is completed. The invoice will be sent directly to the email address provided during registration.The invoice will be sent from “關網資訊股份有限公司” (noreply@service.gwis.com.tw). To ensure you receive the email, please add this address to your whitelist in advance.
    • 依據「營業人開立銷售憑證時限表」之規定,提供勞務服務之銷售憑證應以收款時為限。故發票開立日為繳費日期,但發票上也會註記活動實際日期。
      According to Taiwan’s ‘Sales Voucher Issuance Time Limit Table for businesses’ regulations, the sales voucher for providing services should be issued at the time of payment. The invoice issuance date will correspond to the payment date; however, the actual event date will also be noted on the invoice.


現場報名 On-site Registration (4/16-17)


  1. 研討會當天可於現場進行報名。請於現場填寫報名資料後,以現金進行繳費。
    We also accept on-site registration during the seminar.
    Please complete the registration form on-site and make the payment in cash.
  2. 發票 Invoice
    • 採用電子發票形式,於對帳完成後的3個工作日內開立,發票將直接寄送至報名時填寫之電子郵件信箱
      Electronic invoices will be issued within 3 business days after the reconciliation is completed. The invoice will be sent directly to the email address provided during registration.


※※ 重要注意事項 HIGHLIGHTS ※※


  • 如收據是要由公司/單位支付時,請務必與財務相關人員確認收據統編,收據開出後恕無法以修改/更換統編為由退換領據!
    If it is to be reimbursed by the company/organization, please make sure with the financial personnel of your company/organization regarding the unified business number (UBN). After the receipt is issued, it is no longer possible to return or exchange it on the basis of modification/replacement of the UBN! 
  • 退費Refund
    • 3月23日前(含當日)申請退費,扣除手續費30元後退還其餘費用。
      The remaining fees will be refunded after the deduction of the handling fee of NT30 if applied before 3/23 (including the day).
    • 3月24日起至4月7日17:00前申請退費,將扣除2000元(含餐費、會議相關耗材、手續費)後退費;若為不可抗力因素(例如天災),則扣除手續費30元後退還其餘費用。
      If the refund is applied between 3/24 to 4/7 before 17:00, NT2,000 will be deducted (which including pre-ordered meals, conference-related consumables, and handling fees). In the event of force majeure (i.e.: natural disaster) the remaining fees will be refunded after deducting the handling fee of NT30.
    • 4月7日17:00起不再受理退費。
      Refunds will no longer be accepted since 17:00 on 4/7.
    • 請於上述可申請期間填寫線上「退費申請表」以利辦理退款。
      Please fill in the “Refund Application Form” online during the above application period for refund.



若有任何問題,請與我們聯絡: (06)2602009

Any further questions, please contact via tel.: (06)2602009

